Tuesday, May 26, 2009

That thing called LOVE....

Love is a moment of a lifetime.

Love is looking at him across a room and feeling that if I don’t spend the rest of my life with him, I’ll have missed the boat.

Love is growing together, working together, laughing together.

Love is respect for each other and the people each cares about, however difficult it is sometimes to like his relatives or his friends.

Love is wanting to shout from the rooftops the successes, little or big, of one another.

Love is wanting to wipe away the tears when failure comes.

Love is liking the feeling of each other.

Love is freedom from all the weight and pain of life.

Love is wanting to say all the things I want to say but can find no voice or words and then in silence, the eyes speak what’s in the heart.

Love is unconditional, giving joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain.

Love is wanting to have children because they are the exclamation point of love.

Love is laughter in the middle of a quarrel.

Love is an experience……

Love is forever…..


Sunny "who else" said...

Great Post jiza and So thoughtful, we should frame this and put it up in every house. True indeed.
To add to your beautiful list is:

"Love is accepting a person for what he is, inspite of all the short comings"

Loved the part about the children and laughing between quarells :D, but does that ever happen ...

My vote: Best post ever.

neha2go said...

lovely thoughts jizu...
love is indeed all this and much more....
Reading this just made my day...whatever is left of it :)